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Imaging & surface characterisation

Micro tomography
Nano tomography
Scanning electronic microscope
Olympus LEXT 5000
Digital holographic microscope
Optical profilometer

Characterisation and imaging is a key phase of most fabrication processes as a test point in the development cycle.  ANFF-SA provides access to a broad range of instruments which are capable of achieveing ultra-high resolution images, topographical imaging, imaging of both fixed and live cells, measurements of surface vibrations as well as surface steps and fluorescent imaging, amongst others.


Micro tomography - Micro XCT-400


The MicroXCT-400 is a 3D X-ray imaging solution optimized for non-destructive imaging of complex internal structures. It enables accelerated, highly efficient analysis of structures examined in a variety of applications:


  • Semiconductor packaging development and failure analysis

  • Life-science research 

  • Rock microstructure modeling for oil and gas exploration

  • Advanced material characterization

  • In situ measurement during imaging


The Micro XCT-400 provides the unique ability to reveal the internal structure with full 3D imaging of features down to <1.0 micron resolution, making it a compelling alternative for research and the inspection and control of manufacturing processes.


The system provides a view into deeply buried micro structures that may be unobservable with current 2D surface imaging techniques such as optical microscopy, SEM and AFM.


In addition, it enables ultra-fine analysis of the structure in a variety of applications. For instance, visualizing osteocyte lacunae in bone morphology; micro-cracks and voids in composite materials; defects such as BGA cracks in semiconductor package, and micro pores in rocks.


Nano tomography - Xradia Ultra XRM-L200


The Ultra XRM-L200 is an ultra-high resolution CT scanner for 3D visualization of microscopic sample volumes. The non-destructive 3D imaging enables internal observation of structures and materials in their natural state without the need for cutting or sectioning.


It offers the ability to visualize the internal structure of biological specimens, such as bone, soft tissue, and biomedical devices with resolution down to 50 nm and extends the capabilities of X-ray CT to achieve:


  • Non-destructive 3D X-ray imaging allows repeated imaging of the same sample under different conditions

  • Large working distance and atmospheric sample environment allows in-situ studies

  • Automated image alignment for tomographic reconstruction

  • Switchable field-of-view ranging from 15 to 60 µm

  • Absorption and Zernike phase contrast imaging modes 

  • Life Science Research


Other capabilities include:


  • Semiconductor package failure analysis
    Offers visualization of semiconductor samples and wafer-level packaging, such as integrated circuits and through-silicon vias, for defect investigation and failure analysis without the need for physical cross-sectioning.

  • Advanced material development
    Characterization capabilities for 3D structures of composite materials, such as paper, foams, and fuel cells.Material of different densities may be segmented through the use of absorption-contrast imaging.

  • Oil and gas drilling feasibility studies
    Pore and flow modeling on the nano scale; complementary to imaging with the VersaXRM, extending the imaging resolution below 1µm.


Scanning electronic microscope - ASPEX PSEM eXpress


The ASPEX PSEM® eXpress package alleviates the need for highly trained SEM experts and data analysis personnel. In addition, it can be used where optical microscopy fails to provide enough functionality and magnification to characterize materials.


Utilizing advanced quality control algorithms, the PSEM eXpress can easily assist in tracking foreign particle materials and how it affects their processes. To accomplish these tasks, the PSEM eXpress uses database architectures to take large amounts of information and perform automated data analysis to generate an easily interpreted output.



Olympus LEXT OLS 5000 3D measuring laser microscope


The LEXT OLS 5000 laser confocal microscope precisely measures shape and surface roughness at the submicron level. With the capability to make accurate 3D measurements on a wide range of sample types, the system delivers reliable data for quality assurance and process control.


  • Capture fine patterns and defects that conventional optical microscopes, white-light interferometers, or red laser-based microscopes are unable to detect. 

  • Dedicated LEXT objectives accurately measure peripheral areas that would otherwise get distorted. 

  • Detection of slopes that are almost vertical as well as very low steps without image correction. 

  • Olympus’ Smart Judge algorithm automatically detects only reliable data, facilitating accurate measurements without losing fine height irregularity data. 

  • The system features automatic data capture, so difficult setting adjustments are no longer necessary. Even users with minimal training can still obtain accurate results.

  • Accommodates samples with a height of up to 210 mm, while the ultra-long working distance objective facilitates measurement of concavities as deep as 25 mm - just place the sample on the stage. 


The LEXT OLS 5000 is suitable for use in the following applications:​


AFM with TERS - Nanonics-Horiba AFM-Raman


Combining the advantages of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Raman on an integrated platform, the joint AFM-Raman system allows for the strength and versatility of all modes of AFM (including mechanical, thermal, SECM, and electrical) combined with the chemical characterization of Raman.


Incorporating Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) into the AFM-Raman integration has resulted in a microscope full of potential - to enable both stronger signal and nanometric sub-diffraction Raman resolution. 


The AFM with TERS provides solutions in the most challenging areas of research and in the most innovative fields in applied sciences including:

  • Graphene and 2D materials

  • Carbon Nanotubes

  • Semiconductor metrology

  • Biological samples


Digital Holographic Microscope - LynceeTec T1001


Offering solutions for static and dynamic 3D characterization in material science and life science applications, the Digital Holographic Microscope combines hardware, dedicated software, and specific options to support innovative R&D in industrial applications.


Lyncée Tec's Digital Holographic Microscope is more than a standard optical profilometer as it enables dynamic measurement within vertical ranges from nanometers to hundreds of microns with sub-nanometric vertical resolution.


Applications include :

  • Surface topography

  • Surface finish

  • Defect inspection

  • Structured thin film

  • MEMS measurement


Optical profilometer - Wyko NT9100


The Wyko® NT9100 provides accurate and affordable non-contact three-dimensional surface metrology for advanced applications in MEMS, thick films, optics, ceramics, and advanced materials research.


It utilizes a patent-pending dual-LED illumination source to provide superior non-contact measurements on the widest variety of super-smooth or very rough samples, from subnanometer surface roughness to millimeter high steps.


Specifically designed to provide the industry’s most reliable and repeatable tabletop characterization for R&D, wear, failure analysis, process control, and monitoring, the NT9100 shares many performance attributes with the larger systems, including:


  • easy measurement setup, fast data acquisition, comprehensible and extensible data analysis, and angstrom-level repeatability.

  • An X-Y stage automation option brings programmability to the NT9100, a fi rst for a Wyko tabletop profiler.

  • Performance on par with the other profilers in the NT9000 series, yet its foot print and flexible configuration provides a convenient foundation to grow with your needs.

  • The system comes complete with the industry-leading Wyko Vision software package for advanced 2D and 3D data analysis and visualization. Vision provides over 200 built-in analyses, as well as automated measurement sequences (recipes), data logging, and pass-fail criteria for real-time process feedback and SPC.

  • An optional MATLAB® package enables end users to develop custom Vision analyses for other specialized applications as well.

For more information please contact ANFF-SA Facility Manager​ today +61 8 8302 5226.
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